Streaming Analytics 21


What is Streaming?

The term "streaming" is used to describe continuous, never-ending data streams with no beginning or end, that provide a constant feed of data that can be utilized/acted upon without needing to be downloaded first.

Similarly, data streams are generated by all types of sources, in various formats and volumes. From applications, networking devices, and server log files, to website activity, banking transactions, and location data, they can all be aggregated to seamlessly gather real-time information and analytics from a single source of truth.

What will you learn
  • Define and understand the basics oops concepts and REPL in scala programming

  • Basic knowledge of Queries


  • 42 Lessons
  • 42:37:40 Hours
  • Syllabus
  • Introduction to Spark Streaming01:27:54
  • Overview of Big Data Analytics 00:45:15
  • Understanding big data00:59:45
  • Batch processing – Real time processing01:00:00
  • Hadoop architecture 101:00:00
  • Hadoop architecture 201:00:00
  • Data processing hadoop ( Basic Commands )01:00:00
  • MapReduce 01:00:00
  • Data Processing in HDFS01:00:00
  • Executing MapReduce with jar 01:00:00
  • Creating MapReduce Jar and Simple Analyze 01:00:00
  • Spark Architecture & Ecosystem 01:00:00
  • Revision 01:00:00
  • Fundamentals of Scala01:00:00
  • Introduction Scala for spark 01:00:00
  • Scala Collections 01:00:00
  • Scala Functions 01:00:00
  • Transformation Functions and SBT Layout01:27:59
  • SBT Word Count00:28:08
  • Transformation Persistence and Spark Submit01:30:02
  • Spark Submit Word Count01:29:45
  • Lab Spark Streaming data01:30:00
  • LAB - Manipulating RDD functions in Scala 01:30:00
  • LAB 6, 7 GraphX01:30:00
  • Transformation Functions and SBT Layout01:27:59
  • Introduction to SparkSQL01:18:11
  • Spark Aggregate Function in Structured Data01:11:07
  • Spark Broadcast and Accumulator Variables01:26:54
  • WordCount Average of Key Values01:26:58
  • WordCount and Swap Key Value01:26:27
  • Word Count - Saved document with Streaming Data01:28:17
  • Load Json and Parqute File01:29:01
  • SparkSQL Commands01:20:29
  • SparkSQL Join in Spark Shell and IDE 01:27:47
  • Introduction to Spark MLlib00:57:51
  • Spark MLlib Part 200:57:51
  • Big Data For Dummies
  • HDFS Commands
  • T1
  • 18PD21 -Module1 -Quiz
  • DSAC Software's

About instructor

Name : Surenther I AP KCE
Reviews : 11 Reviews
Student : 309 Students
Courses : 10 Courses


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19L141-Shivakumar V - Tue, 30-Aug-2022

19L141-Shivakumar V - Thu, 16-Sep-2021

Guna Arul - Fri, 16-Dec-2022

Was an detailed analysis

19L141-Shivakumar V - Thu, 01-Jan-1970